Copyright © 2021
Strategy World is an online training concept
and toolkit for strategy and strategy work.
For many years we have seen a persistent
and extensive need for strategy knowledge
in especially small, but also many larger
companies. There is little knowledge here
and thus little use of strategy.
Last year, more than 70,000 new companies
were established in a small country as
Norway. According to Statistics Norway,
only 27.6% of the newly established
enterprises survive after 5 years, the rest
have either closed down or gone bankrupt.
This is usually due to a lack of planning and
an overview of your own business situation,
which is often defined as a strategy.
Strategy World is a collection of different
tools in the field of strategy, which covers
everything from start-up companies to
large organizations. The tools have their
background in extensive consulting
activities and were developed for
companies such as Strategy Warehouse AS
and SenseNet AS, which for over 20 years
operated as management consultants in
strategy and scenario development. We
have now further developed these tools
and make them available in open versions
Read more about each tool below
Strategic work is critical for a company in
terms of creating its competitive
advantage and in achieving its goals. This
tool helps users to develop the company's
strategic platform, which includes the
company's mission, vision, business idea,
core values, strengths and weaknesses,
critical success factors and goals. This is
something which is demanded from the
company's board, bank connections,
investors, etc. and is the most important
tool in a strategy process.
FRMTD® is a FORESIGHT set of tools and
services within analysis of the company's
external environment, current trends,
scenarios and strategy development. Here
we use a system of our own tools (Global
Radar and, Microsoft
Forms, and AI like ChatGPT and WonderAI
to offer a much faster, easier and cheaper
way to carry out a scenario process and
which means that future thinking and
scenario development will be available to
small and medium-sized companies to a
greater extent. We connect the theory
from and the use of Global
Radar to find relevant trends for each
customer and build scenarios tailored to
the relevant player. This is a limited tool
and consultant service where you can
purchased access and comes with
associated consulting assistance in both
creating the stories and running the
foresight process in your company. This is
based on more than 20 years of
experience in foresight processes and
scenario building is a tool that addresses
scenario thinking. It is based on a long
period of extensive, in-depth and practical
experience with scenario work - both in
business and in the public sector. It starts
with conceptual clarifications; What is a
scenario? What is Foresight? What is the
reason to develop scenarios? How to
create them? Then follows the focus on
relevant factors, fact-finding,
methodological measures, development of
possible scenario strains, a bit about
writing scenario narratives and preparing
future images and what these can be used
for in the strategic work. The work is
largely based on the use of Global or
Norwegian Radar.
Rapid and sharp changes in the inter-
national community create a need for an
overview and insight into both inter-
national and national conditions. Norsk
Radar is a fact-based and methodo-
logically adapted tool for mapping and
analyzing key issues regarding the
development of Norwegian society in the
long-term perspective. It is built up in the
same way as Global Radar, but here with
national conditions in focus. The user can
choose which level one wants to go to in
terms of analysis of external factors
What can happen? Which global forces
and processes are we facing? What trends,
opportunities and challenges can be
traced in the international environment
we are increasingly woven into? Global
Radar is a tool that aims to give users an
overview and a systematic way of looking
at their external forces and environment.
The progress of a company or a region
largely depends on what is happening at
international and national level. Here is
what we believe is a comprehensive
overview of current factors and driving
forces that may affect the player in the
years to come.
"The good idea" - Concept development -
is a tool for analysis, planning and
implementation of a new concept -
whether it is a physical product or a
service - or a new business. The purpose of
the tool is to help companies in a start-up
phase that need a holistic approach to
everything they need to do to get the
concept in place, existing companies that
will launch a new concept (product /
service) and companies that are struggling
with existing products and that need a new
and clear angle for new and different
Strategy 360 is a comprehensive tool for
conducting an overall review of a
company's position and prospects, and on
the basis of such an analysis, introduce a
continuous strategy process in the
company. The model is based on the
business idea / assignment, the company
and the people behind it, and then goes in
and maps the following areas: Production,
Marketing and communication, Sales,
Finance and management, Organization
and competence, Market and competition
and the Company's current strategy
Status: Available in Norwegian, tap the logo to open
Status: Ful working version ready, testing on SMB’s at
the moment
Status: Available in Norwegian, tap the logo to open
Status: We are currently focusing on the Global Radar,
which can be used for most of the same purposes
Status: Available in Norwegian, demands login, tap the
logo for more
Status: New version using AI in a testing phase, tools
Status: Currently beeing updated
The larger a fortune becomes, the more
difficult it is to decide where and how to
invest the funds. The biggest challenge is
to get an overview of all the opportunities
that exist, in order to find solutions that
are the best for the individual investor.
Invest360 is an overview tool for all
available investment opportunities, by that
we mean the most common forms of
investment. We have not included the
most complicated ones.
We have tried to explain in a simple and
understandable way, each of all the
different options, which are divided into 8
main categories. We have gathered
information from relevant providers and
used a number of sources such as DnB,
Nordnet, AksjeNorge, Oslo Børs, Euronext
and others. to explain the different
investment options.
Status: Fully working version available in Norwegian